Tasty and Healthy Benefits of a Plant-Based, Whole Food, Low Fat Diet

26 March 2024


A plant-based, whole food, low fat diet are primarily made from plant-sourced, unrefined, unbleached, and low in fat ingredients, ensuring that you receive the necessary nutrients, from fiber and protein to vitamins and essential minerals. Moreover, consuming unprocessed, whole foods like brown rice, whole wheat flour, and whole grains not only helps in weight management but is also supported by numerous studies to prevent chronic diseases.
At Wellness We care, our nutritionists work hard to craft delicious menus to offer you a variety of plant-based, whole food, and low fat dishes at our Health Camp. We offer a chance to experience a range of foods that are good for your body and mind.

* บทความนี้เป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนแต่เพียงผู้เดียว หากมีข้อผิดพลาดประการใดทางบริษัทไม่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้อง