Reverse Disease by Yourself
This is a health camp for people who are ill with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease, obesity, chronic kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease, Etc. Includes those who are caregivers to learn how to manage the disease by themselves through lifestyle modifications. From the idea that current non-communicable disease illnesses are the sum of past health behaviors. To improve the disease, you must start changing your health behaviors because our human body can restore itself. The content of the course is to use the methods of modern medicine in the form of evidence-based medicine by focusing on the patient’s problems holistically. Camp participants will learn about the disease and how to manage it through the teaching process in various ways and know the health indicators that need to be tracked for each disease. The learning model in the camp includes content learning, workshops, demonstration, and self-practice on five significant aspects, including dietary habits, exercise, stress management, sleep, and having a support group.