MEGA We care, and Wellness We care, together with the Thai Red Cross Society, organized the event “Full Health 100%”

09 August 2023


On August 6, 2023, MEGA We care, and Wellness We care, together with the Thai Red Cross Society, organized the event “Full Health 100%” under the concept “Creating Energetic Life Balance” at Bhumisiri Mangklanusorn Building, 12th Floor, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society. There were more than 250 participants, led by Ms. Warunyupa Suwannakit, Assistant Director of the Fund Raising Office, Thai Red Cross Society, as the chairman’s opening remark.
The “Full Health 100% ” is an activity that the Thai Red Cross Society has organized continuously since 2007 to express gratitude to the monthly donors who have continually supported the operations of the Thai Red Cross Society, including executives and staff of the Thai Red Cross Society to have the opportunity to get to know and meet the donors. This year, the event is organized under the concept “Creating Energetic Life Balance” by the Thai Red Cross Society in collaboration with Mega We Care, a Thai pharmaceutical company, and Wellness We Care, a health center affiliated with Mega We Care. At this event, Mr.Vivek Dhawan, CEO & Chief Coach, Mega Lifesciences PCL honored to join the event and took pictures on stage to show his intention and sincerity to promote and support Thai people to have good health as Mega We Care’s philosophy that “To Help People Stay Healthy as Long as They Live,” which Mega We care has always adhered to as a guideline for doing business. Because “good health” is what everyone desires. The event was therefore designed to make healthy choices an easy choice.
It consists of 3 activities:
Section 1: Lectures by experts 3 sessions on 3 topics.
Special lecture on “Life balance, good health, good mind, good life” by Dr. Sant Chaiyodsilp, Chief Wellness Officer, Wellness We care, a family medicine physician, and a former heart surgeon who has performed thousands of heart surgeries. He used to be a heart patient and has successfully reversed ischemic heart disease through lifestyle modification. Therefore, he established the Wellness We care Center with Mega We care to disseminate knowledge and skills in lifestyle modification to prevent and reverse disease. Dr. Sant Chaiyodsilp is regarded as one of the top guru doctors in Thailand in Lifestyle Medicine. Lectures and workshops “Live a fitter life by balancing your posture” by Dr.Pongpakorn Sornthanarat, a Wellness We care Center physician.
Discussion on “Designing activities to build long life relationships” by Dr.Pakkawee Nakawiro, Family Medicine and Wellness Doctor at the Wellness We care Center. Together with The Human Academy by Khun Woranun Thonavanik, one of the founders of The HUMAN ACADEMY, and Ajarn Pornthep Wichuchaichan, Music Choral Director.
Section 2 : Participate in workshops at 5 wellness workshops divided by the 5 pillars of well-being according to the concept of Wellness We care, which are:
Workshop 1: Food A demonstration and taste of delicious plant-based food by Khun Baitoey, nutritionist and nutritional therapist from Wellness We care.
Workshop 2 : Movement
Checking the body composition, the amount of muscle, fat, and water in the body,]muscle strength, posture, and body structure by physical therapists from Wellness We care
Workshop 3 : Stress assessment
Check the stress level by a clinical psychologist from Wellness We care.
Worksop 4 : Quality Sleep
Evaluate sleep quality and be advised by a team of experts from Wellness We care. There was also a complimentary good night herbal tea that promoted sleep.
Workshop 5: Art for taking care, promoting well-being, and creating life balance by The Human Academy, a holistic learning community towards human wisdom. At this event, the Human Academy led the participants to make a mini-art workshop, flower arrangement in Kori style. And paint with soft pastel dust to care for the body, soul, and spirit together.
Section 3 : Booth
The health products booth provides health advice, including Mega We Care booth, Wellness We care, Natural We care, Muang Thai Life Assurance, Lemon Farm, and Young Happy.
In addition, the participants also had a chance to win Lucky Draw, many prizes such as health camp packages from Wellness We care, health care products from Mega We care, Lemon Farm breakfast sets, T-shirts from Muang Thai Life Assurance, Cooler glass, and alcohol gel from the Thai Red Cross Society.
Every activity in the event made a great impression on the participants and created happiness and encouragement as a provider for the host of the Thai Red Cross Society, MEGA We care, and Wellness We care, as well as all partners and brands supporting this event.

For more information

facebook : Wellnesswecare
line : @wellnesswecare
instagram : wellnesswecareth
tel : 063-6394003